Adtech is built on personal data


But growing consumer demands and continually evolving regulations must be effectively managed to reach your optimal audience via the right channels, at the right time.





Adtech & your business

We have the insights and experience to help you manage privacy risks and optimize results

Electronic media presents advertisers with expansive opportunities to reach potential customers with targeted digital ads.  While the adtech industry has experienced explosive and mostly unfettered growth over recent decades, the landscape of digital advertising is changing. Consumers are much more aware of being “tracked” online, and regulators have responded with new laws in the US, Europe and other regions that can make getting ads seen by the right audience while maintaining compliance with complex and sometimes conflicting laws, quite a challenge. Regardless of your business, the current environment demands innovative adaptation of privacy-centric approaches to advertising technology.

Our team of privacy and data security professionals can assist you in all aspects of building or improving your company’s privacy and security programs. Services include:

Digital Property Privacy Assessment

Cookie Consent Implementation

Data Subject Requests: Process Design, Implementation and Administration

Privacy Program Assessment and Development

Privacy Tool Implementation

Impact Assessment, Development and Review

Universal Opt-Out Signal Compliance

Tracking Technology Inventories

Privacy Notice Review and Updates

Privacy Organizational Development

Third Party Risk Management - Strategy, Program Development and Assessment Operations

Data Mapping and Data Inventory Build

Adtech Privacy Blogs

Adtech Privacy Blogs

The team is committed to providing you with up-to-date information on the continually evolving adtech landscape, with a focus on the confluence of growing consumer privacy concerns along with coinciding legislative initiatives and regulatory change. Whether you’re a marketer, a privacy professional, or simply interested in how your personal information is used in digital advertising, you’ll find valuable insights and expert analysis to guide you through the complexities of adtech privacy. 

Conversions API

Decoding Conversions API

and Privacy Implications

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In a world driven by technology, where ads seem to follow you around the internet, have you ever wondered how it all works? Buckle up, because we’re about to uncover the new secret sauce of targeted advertising in the digital age. Say hello to the Conversions Application Programming Interface (“CAPI”), which is changing the game for advertisers and consumers alike. But before you take the leap into using CAPIs to meet your business and professional goals, you need to understand the potential privacy risks, and what you can do to comply with applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

Conversions API

New Digital Advertising Regulations in the EU:

What Marketers Should Know

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The European Union is recognized as a leading tech regulator, advancing comprehensive laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for consumer privacy, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) to regulate major tech platforms, and the Digital Services Act (DSA) to curb misinformation and restrict targeted advertising based on sensitive data. Effective from 2023, the DSA imposes strict rules on large platforms to enhance transparency and user safety, while the DMA, beginning in September 2023, designates firms like Alphabet and Apple as “gatekeepers” needing compliance by March 2024. The EU’s rigorous enforcement, highlighted by a $1.3 billion fine on Meta for privacy breaches, underscores its strict stance on privacy and market competition.

Conversions API

Determine if a Tracking Technology

is a “Sale” or “Share”

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As state privacy regulations become more stringent, organizations are increasingly held accountable for both the personal information they collect directly and that which third parties collect from their digital properties. This heightened scrutiny especially affects digital properties and their associated tracking technologies. To comply, organizations must undertake substantial ongoing efforts to identify and evaluate tracking technologies, discern whether these constitute a “sale” or “share” for targeted advertising, and implement solutions that respect consumer opt-out preferences.

Conversions API

New Digital Advertising Regulations in the US:

The Changing Landscape


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In the United States, state-level initiatives lead data privacy regulation. Significant laws were implemented in several states in 2023, with more expected in 2024, including Texas, Oregon, and Montana. The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), enhancing the earlier CCPA, sets a robust example by establishing a dedicated enforcement agency and extending consumer rights to opt out of data sharing for advertising. Federally, progress is slower, yet a bill introduced by Senator Mike Lee seeks to transform digital advertising by restricting the control of major tech companies and increasing transparency, reflecting a growing demand for clearer industry practices.